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Elderberry For Immune Support (Dec 15, 2017)
Elderberry for Immune System Support and Much More!

Winter will be upon us soon and with it an additional stress on our immune system. Coming in contact with friends, family, children and coworkers that have the flu, cold or a virus is very common.

Elderberry is a plant native to Wisconsin and has a purple-black berry. This berry is a great source of phytonutrients with cell protective properties and is high in antioxidants. It is a member of the honeysuckle family and has been used for both food and affective medicine for thousands of years. The dark berries can be used in jams, jellies, pies and wine but their primary value is not culinary.

If taken throughout the cold and flu season, or at the first sign of cough, upper respiratory infection, bronchitis or even at the first sign of a viral infection, elderberries have the ability to prevent and even stop a virus! Elderberry activates multiple immune system pathways for comprehensive support, and builds the immune system to help combat winter viruses. The lectins from elderberry do not allow the virus to multiply. Remember, lectins can be detrimental and cause havoc to the body or they can be advantageous. In this case the elderberry lectin is highly beneficial!

Since the 1980's, virologists of Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem have studied the antiviral properties of elderberry. They have found that elderberry is effective against all types of flu.

The 1993 flu epidemic provided the opportunity to test elderberry on patients with full blown flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough and muscle pain. Within 48 hours, 75% were greatly improved, and within 72 hours, 90% had completely recovered from the flu. In contrast, only 8% of those taking the placebo began to improve after 24 hours. The remaining 92% took six days to improve (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 1995, vol. 1, no.4).

The Journal of International Medicine Research, 2004, vol.32, no.2, also states elderberry extract offered "an efficient, safe, and cost effective treatment for influenza".

Elderberry can come in tablet, lozenge, or syrup forms. In tablet form, there is an opportunity for a stronger dosage. Lozenge or syrup formulas are a great alternative for children.

Bernadette R Goodine
Dr. of Naturopathy